Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Co-Worker 2.0

Ahhh early morning walk down Michigan Ave. on my way to the job I hate, trying to get some peace within and enjoy the walk before I get there. Peace was slightly interrupted before I even open the door to the job.
As I round the corner and approach the job I notice my co- worker at a car with a lady, clearly it was his lady, which was confirmed with a kiss shared between them. After seeing this I figured it was his “baby mama.” I smiled to myself thinking how caught up he would be if I were any of the other ladies he’s tried getting with at the job. I wondered if he saw me as well and how was he about to act for the duration of our shifts if he did.
Apparently he had not seen me because to my surprise before we even clocked in, he was flirting with me, as usual. Shaking your head right?
As he gently touched me and made eye contact with a sly smile saying things like “ I’m working with my favorite people today” and “ you looking real good today.” I started thinking of how I would bring up what I’d witnessed before work. Would I go guerilla warfare style and “who was that, your girlfriend I saw you kissing! And you got the nerve to be all up in my face.” Or would I just play along with his flirting and tell all the girls what I saw while smiling in his face, or do my usual thing and leave it alone, it’s not like I was really interested in him to begin with so what’s the big deal?
Well I didn’t quit do either. The next time he came my way getting all in my personal space and taking the liberty of placing his hand on my waist I just asked if that was his girlfriend I saw him with this morning?
Huh? Eyebrows furrowed and head tilted to the side, confused smile takes over his face and I start chuckling. Trying not full out laugh in his face, I sweetly say the girl I saw you kissing this morning, was that your girlfriend?”
“Kissing? I don’t remember that.” Of course he did the deny thing. Why I don’t know, he said some other stuff before finally saying “oh yea, that was my baby mama, maybe I did kiss her.”
This is why I’m single.


  1. LOL! Maybe I did kiss her....

  2. Looks like he was only around for amusement anyways. Purpose served
