Friday, May 28, 2010

Out and about Chicago

The lady in a surprising mix of clothing (and a single side ponytail held together with a scrunchie) is Judith D. a French tutor I met the same day I took this picture back in April at the 7th annual Creative Chicago Expo at the Chicago Cultural Center. She was very sweet and tried to convince me that I should learn French fluently so I can go to Canada and get a job and have dual citizenship and how I'd love Quebec so on and so forth, I think we talked for a total of 10 minutes. If you're looking to learn French I have her number : ) 4:08pm

Thursday, May 27, 2010

To and from "work"

From my Palm to my ear to our eyes, yesterday I had the pleasure of being on the train from 87th to 63rd with only one other person on in the same car with me, and then when she got off and no one got on till the next stop I took more pictures. Truth be told I always liked taking the train it’s the people and the shit they do that take away the fun.

SideNote: the whole people taking pictures of them phenomenon amazes me. I would go further into that but I don’t feel like it so on the next subject, which is that fact that this month is coming to a close and I haven’t posted as much as I thought I would but I guess its not so bad for the first month since no one is looking anyway…yet.
I still have tons of work to do and my next brick is organizing a small photo shoot along with picking up as many hours as possible at retail hell. Speaking of retail hell this is what the store looks like at the end of a Saturday night,

and guess whose job it is to put all that back. I might start carrying my point and shoot around because I don’t think you get the gist of how much trifle that is through the cell phone camera. Actual stories of retail hell coming soon.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Winter Kate

So these photos are from Sat. April 10 2010. I went to check out the launch or Nicole Richie's Winter Kate clothing collection at Nordstrom. I went with the thought that this would be a good post for my blog especially if was anything like the Rachel Roy collection showing back in 2008. I wasn't. Maybe it was the underwhelming clothes or maybe it was the way the pr/event people out of nowhere approached me and asked what publication I was with, and when I said a blog the "polite" lady asked me to speak to some guy, I forgot what his name and title were, but either way he told me I could not take pictures of her while she was seated and signing autographs, but I could get a shot of her coming in. Im my mind I'm thinking but Nicole Richie isn't even that big of a deal, I mean I notice all these people, mostly young girls with copies of the "simple life" DVDs but none of these people plan on purchasing these clothes and here I am actually interested in the apparel. If it matters I was right next to her when she came in, but I am not paparazzi and I was feeling a little peeved by the nerve of these people who approached me and none of the people with point and shoot cameras. I assume these celebrities want to be taken seriously when it comes to the things they do outside of whatever makes them a celebrity but slighting the people interested in the clothes they pretend to design in order to highlight their celebrity is contradictory. Either way I decided to turn around on my way out and attempt to get a photo of her anyway, I provided arrows to direct you to the spot that is Nicole Richie.

It wasn't all bad I got to practice with my camera and meet two models I've been seeing around and am coming to adore. The one pictured by herself with the sheer black top on is Angela C. and the other with the long dress and flats is Samantha L. Hope to work with them in the future. 4:02a.m.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Character Sketch: Stacey

So my friend is an actor and in the next couple of weeks the filming will begin on an independent film he's starring in called "Get A Job." Because my friend is such a good friend, when the director was putting together his crew and looking for a wardrobe person or costume designer, my good friend mentioned little ole' me. To keep a short story short, I've been counting scenes and thinking about these characters for the last couple days. Clearly I'm not the best illustrator but the sketches above are concepts for this "everyday woman" character who has one sexy scene which is the dress in the middle. I doubt she will be dressed like either of the sketches but I'm thinking of ways to push her simple look. 2:29AM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Co-Worker 2.0

Ahhh early morning walk down Michigan Ave. on my way to the job I hate, trying to get some peace within and enjoy the walk before I get there. Peace was slightly interrupted before I even open the door to the job.
As I round the corner and approach the job I notice my co- worker at a car with a lady, clearly it was his lady, which was confirmed with a kiss shared between them. After seeing this I figured it was his “baby mama.” I smiled to myself thinking how caught up he would be if I were any of the other ladies he’s tried getting with at the job. I wondered if he saw me as well and how was he about to act for the duration of our shifts if he did.
Apparently he had not seen me because to my surprise before we even clocked in, he was flirting with me, as usual. Shaking your head right?
As he gently touched me and made eye contact with a sly smile saying things like “ I’m working with my favorite people today” and “ you looking real good today.” I started thinking of how I would bring up what I’d witnessed before work. Would I go guerilla warfare style and “who was that, your girlfriend I saw you kissing! And you got the nerve to be all up in my face.” Or would I just play along with his flirting and tell all the girls what I saw while smiling in his face, or do my usual thing and leave it alone, it’s not like I was really interested in him to begin with so what’s the big deal?
Well I didn’t quit do either. The next time he came my way getting all in my personal space and taking the liberty of placing his hand on my waist I just asked if that was his girlfriend I saw him with this morning?
Huh? Eyebrows furrowed and head tilted to the side, confused smile takes over his face and I start chuckling. Trying not full out laugh in his face, I sweetly say the girl I saw you kissing this morning, was that your girlfriend?”
“Kissing? I don’t remember that.” Of course he did the deny thing. Why I don’t know, he said some other stuff before finally saying “oh yea, that was my baby mama, maybe I did kiss her.”
This is why I’m single.

Monday, May 3, 2010


This post is mostly here because I’m figuring out how things work on the back end of this website/blog. On the topic of distractions-Don’t let the sun frown fool you. Today was the Perfect Day, (weather wise) the sun was warming me up and the wind was cooling me down. And you say Chi-City!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


This is a blog that’s supposed to be all about my journey/struggle/experiences of trying to start and run my own business. The business is ultimately a publishing company, however I’m starting off with a small magazine. So because I’m long winded and because I will surely encounter fall off days (days where I slack) there are sections to this blog that seemingly have nothing to do with what I should be doing to get where I’m trying to go. However they may provide insight as to what may have distracted me. Some of the main distractions are my job (Retail Rant), my fashion designing endeavors (Will Work For Clothes), my dating life or lack there of (Sexless In Chi-City), my starving artist friends who are on a journey similar to mine (Misery Loves Company), my photography and graphic design endeavors (PhotoGraphics). I have more sections in mind but they may or may not appear along the way.

This blog is like many, just a general offering of my experiences, and a very public way of holding myself accountable for my own progress. I don’t want to let my own self down and hopefully this blog finds its way to people who can relate or not but get something good out of it.

Who am I? just a girl from Chicago who’s into the same things you are, music, fashion, style, fun, travel, art, words, images, and actions. You can call me Ado.