...well not really resolutions don't really have any and haven't had any in a few years. What I have is more like plain old goals, and I have them year round. I guess its just that clearly, like everyone else, January 1st every year feels like a fresh start. The time to try again to do whatever you haven't done is upon us all and there's nothing new for me to add. I just want to actually do some of the things I've been saying I'm going to do since I graduated from college almost three years ago, damn how time flies, for real!
So for starters I'm going to work on the website for the magazine. I'll do this by first working on my web design skills, which I let rust along with most other skills in 2010. I have a project package that I saved from school, though when I had to do it for class I slacked off big time. But the hoarder in me whipped it out and started and completed it back in late 2008 or early 2009 when I was still high off the possibilities and ideas for what the near future had in store for me. The near future has come and gone and I've barely left square one, so I'm kind of starting over from the beginning, with the website. The project package is 43 pages and 8 activities long. The project gives an estimated time in which you should be able to complete each activity, for example activity two should take no longer than 20-30 minutes. I don't think there are any that should take longer than and hour, so I should basically be able to finish this in the standard 8 hour work day. I can't remember how long it took me last time but part of the reason I' doing it again is for repitition, I'd like to be able to do some of these standard tools without having to reference a tutorial. Because I know I don't have the attention span to do it in one siting, I'll try for getting it done before the end of this month, and I'm probably not going to start until next week, not to be putting it off but because I already have a few things I really need to get done this first week of the year, so I can focus on focusing and completing. Okay I'm tired Goodnight 12:49a.m.
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