When my nerves are at ease and the atmosphere is chill or inviting I’m at my best. I tend to give off a goofy, down to earth vibe. I’m not really funny or anything but I’ve made people laugh, I read a lot and am into different things so I can weave my way in and out of conversations, so from just feeling good and being me, I got titled “a cool ass female.” Being viewed as the “Cool Ass Female” is pretty awesome. But it certainly comes with pressure. The need to keep that a general definition of how peers view you, make you think about things, sometimes just to damn much. Here's just a short example of how my "cool ass femaleness" was tested.
Almost two weeks ago (when I originally started writing this it was only two weeks) I got a text from an old college buddy (we don’t talk, hang out or anything but we have plenty of mutual friends and ever so often end up in the same place, and once a long time ago went on a date) invited me to a gathering at his house (my kind of fun) however the text started “ my old lady outta town.” now because as a cool ass female I automatically give the benefit of the doubt and think maybe he didn’t mean that like I’m invited solely because his wife is not there, maybe he meant in a general way like maybe she doesn’t like a lot of company or to many of his friends at their house. But as the average girl, I noticed the message didn’t come as a forward, likely meaning he didn’t send the same message to everyone invited. Plus I know that a couple months ago as well as in college he was trying to hit (hit means have sex with in the language of average Chicago Black girl or dude).
My cool ass femaleness, allows me to look at that situation as well as many others I find myself in, from a panoramic view. This married man wants to have sex with me because I have no interest in telling his wife anything, none of his friends can say they’ve had me, which gives me an alluring mystery,( I'm joking here ...um mostly) I don’t want anything from him i.e. money or a relationship and he’s comfortable being who he is around me and I’m pretty much a guaranteed good time because I’m cool as hell, automatically putting me in potential sideline hoe territory, if I was that kind of girl.
So what I did was simply ignore it, the message and the inference and just hung out with a friend. This way old college buddy and I are still cool, and I keep him were I want him and stay cool as hell. (Revised 9.30.10 10:40 p.m.)
1:08 a.m.
this is wack, and I think because I came back to it like three weeks after I started it, it turned into something else. I think Im gone re-write this, the only reason Im leaving this on here is because its a good example of how wack I can be...